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☠ Special Events


The normal doubloon rate is 100% except on the weekend (110%) and durin' holidays

To view the current day's doubloon rate in-game, type !Pirates Rate



Daily Special Events

Daily specials occur at 3pm til 5pm EST.

Day Name Event
Sunday Sunday Funday See below
All pirate ships moor at the same port at 5pm fer a Battle-Royale
Sloggin' Sunday All day - 1% bonus for work commands


Swipe n' Grab

Items found when pirates fish, dig, dive start the grab event where other pirates have a chance to grab (!P Grab or !P Steal) the item.

Mayhem Monday All day - 1% fight bonus
Tuesday4 Rob the Captain Pirates who successfully rob the Captain will become the Captain fer 10mins; After 10mins, if no one else steals the Captaincy, the thief will be brigged
Treasure Tuesday All day - 1% dig bonus


A decuple o' treasures

10 Global treasures will spawn on the live map1

Questin' Wednesday All day - 1% bonus fer startin' a personal quest, 4% bonus fer joinin' a group quest
Thursday4 Speedy Sailin' All ships will sail at maximum speed2
Trawlin' Thursday All day - 1% fish bonus
Friday4 Foray Friday

Chance to raid any port ye sail to!3
All pirate ships moor at the same port at 8pm fer a Battle-Royale

Festivity Friday All day - 1% bonus for all games
Saturday Psycho Saturday HMS Interceptor n' HMS Endeavour return from England
All pirate ships moor at the same port at noon & 8pm fer a Battle-Royale.
More Saturday events listed below
Submerged Saturday All day - 1% dive bonus

1 - Treasures will spawn every 2mins until 10 treasures are reached n' treasure limits are removed
2 - For voyages started during the special event time it will take ships 1min/cell
3 - Ship health must be greater than 50% HP
4 - The doubloon rate will be 125% n' stamina increased by +4 the normal rate

Daily Effects

Below is a list of special events that cause an increase in doubloon rates and maybe some other surpises...

Day Changes
Greater chance of success during ship quests, attacks, n' raids.
Greater chance of failure during ship quests, attacks, n' raids.
Friday the 13th
Luck be reduced by 20% during random events, fishing, and digging.

Weekly Special Events

Day Special Events

Sunday Funday /
Sabbath Sunday

Parties start randomly, Brothels services are half off, Personal quest limit be tripled
Jesuit gain +2 fightin' power (does not count durin' Cap'n vs Cap'n fight)
+4 Maximum stamina

Miserable Monday Maximum Stamina be reduced by 2 points

Tipsy Tuesday /
Teleport Tuesdays

Rum be free in the tavern n' ship's store
Random ship teleportin' when sailin' to a port

Pistol-whip Wednesday Guns be 2x more effective in fights
Thrifty Thursday Store prices be reduced by 50%
Ship Repairs at the Shipwright cost 1 doubloon
Fish Friday Fishin' payout n' limits be increased n' fishin' cooldown be halved
Psycho Saturday Whoever beats the Cap'n in a fight, while the ship be at sea, be Cap'n for 10 mins



Additional Changes

January 1

New Years



January 6 Insurrection Day   Choice to raid most ports

February 2




March 17

St. Patrick's Day

125 %

Special messages

April 1

April Fools


Special nicknames n' unlucky day for ship attacks, raids, n' quests.

May 1

May Day



June 15

St. Vitus' Day



June 29

St. Peter's Day



July 4

American Independence Day


Special fights and messages

1st Monday in September Labor Day 125% All ports declare independence

September 19

Talk Like a Pirate Day



October 31

All Hallows Eve


Vampires, more monster encounters, special fish, n' special messages

November 05

Guy Fawkes Day



November 11




November 23

St. Clement's Day



December 24

Christmas Eve



December 25



Special messages and bonuses with !Pirates Christmas

December 28

Holy Innocent's Day



December 31

New Year's Eve


Rum is free in the store!

