Take Care o' Ye Ship...
Commands | Ammunition | Cargo | Damage | Hit Points | Port Raids | Quests | Ship Speed | Shipwright | Ship vs Ship Battles | Whaling Live Map Ships | Live Map Ship Badges
Protect the ship n' it will protect ye.
Command | Can be used on... | Action / Message |
Awake1 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Lists pirates that are awake (active on the ship) Other Ship: Gives ye an estimate o' pirates awake on other ships |
Battle1 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: List what ships ye can battle Other Ship: Lets ye choose a specific ship to iniate a ship battle with |
Captain1 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Lists who our Captain be Other Ship: Lists who be commandin' the other ship |
Cargo | Own ship | Own Ship: Lists the contents of the ship's cargo hold |
HP1 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Displays ye ship's health Other Ship: Lists an estimate of the other ship's health n' number of cannoins |
Info1 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Lists lots of info about the ship Other Ship: Lists info about the other ship |
Insult1 | Other ship | Other Ship: Sends an insult to the other ship in a form of a ship-to-ship message |
Message2 | Other ship | Other Ship: Sends a ship-to-ship message. May be blocked on censored ships |
Messages | Own Ship | Own Ship: Lists the most recent messages from other ships |
Near | Own Ship | Own Ship: Lists ships that be nearby |
Ordnance | Own Ship | Own Ship: Lists the number o' cannons, current loadout, n' number o' shot onboard |
Pirates2 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Lists number o' pirates onboard n' a condensed list o' specific pirates Other Ship: Shows who the Cap'n be n' lists number o' pirates onboard n' a condensed list o' specific pirates |
Ports2 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Shows what ports we control (claim), ports unable to be claimed, n' which ship won wit' the most ports Other Ship: Lists the ports the other ship has claimed |
Speed | Own Ship | Own Ship: Shows the current ship's speed |
Status2 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Lists current ship status. Very useful when docked to determine port claiming status Other Ship: Lists number o' pirates onboard, sailin' or docked, n' time since the new season started |
Tasks | Own Ship | Own Ship: Lists the ship's work that needs to be completed |
Taunt2 | Other Ship | (Same as Insult) |
Top | Own Ship | Own Ship: Lists which ship won wit' the most ports claimed, n' lists stats |
Treasure2 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Lists how many treasure maps the ship has (shared from players) n' info regardin' live map treasures Other Ship: Lists how many treasure maps the ship has (shared from players) n' info regardin' live map treasures |
Upgrades2 | Own ship n' other ships | Own Ship: Lists the ship upgrades our ship has installed Other Ship: Lists the ship upgrades the ship has installed |
Use | Own ship | Own Ship: Uses an item from the ship's cargo hold |
1 - Specify the other ship after the command in the followin' format: !Pirates Ship <command> <Ship Name> 2 - Specify the other ship after the command in the followin' format: !Pirates Ship Message <Ship Name>: <message> |
Shot Type | Damage vs Monsters | Damage vs Ports | Damage vs Ships | |||
Canister | - | ++soldiers | --structure | -hull | ++personnel | +sails |
Chain | + | +soldiers | -structure | -hull | +personnel | ++sails |
Exploding | ++ | +soldiers | ++structure | ++hull | +personnel | -sails |
Round | no modifier | no modifier | no modifier | ++hull | -personnel | -sails |
Double | ++++ double double damage | ++++structure | ++++hull | |||
Falter1 | Monster attacks less often | Fort attacks less often | All cooldowns are doubled | |||
Frazzle1 | Monster skips a number of attacks | Fort skips a number of attacks | Drains stamina from the entire crew | |||
Reef1 | No effect2 | No effect | Reefs all sails (slower ships are easier to hit) | |||
Rum | No effect2 | Soldiers will miss more often | Messages onboard the enemy ship are scrambled & accuracy is reduced | |||
Stun | Monster skips a number of attacks | Fort skips a number of attacks | Pirates onboard enemy ship are momentarily stunned | |||
Toxic1 | +++ damage Monster skips a number of attacks |
++++soldiers | Poisons the crew: reduces stamina n' power, may infect wit' a disease, hurt n' unable to duel | |||
Truce1 | Monster skips a number of attacks | Fort skips a number of attacks | All offensive attacks are halted for a period of time | |||
1 - In ship vs ship battles, this shot will not cause any damage 2 - No effect other than same amount of damage as round shot |
Cargo |
Description |
Repair Kits |
Repairs the ship while moored or docked. Comes in 3 sizes: Small, Medium n' Large. |
Whale Oil |
??? - Can be used in certain ship events wit' unknown effects... |
Upgrade or Service |
Location |
Effect |
Doubloon Cost |
Bronze Cannons1 |
Curacao's market |
+25% damage when usin' ship's cannons +10% accuracy |
High |
Harpoon3 |
Trinidad |
Epic monsters: stuns, hurts, n' increases time to dispatch monter Ship vs Ship Battle Chase phase - Pulls other ship within gun range Ship vs Ship Battle Battle phase - Extends time |
Moderate |
Hull Cleaning2 |
All Port Markets |
37% speed increase on the next voyage |
Low |
Copper Plating1 |
Vera Cruz's market |
Increase ship speed by 12% |
Moderate |
Cotton Sails1 |
Bermuda's market |
Increase ship speed by 25% |
High |
Fine-Grain Powder1 |
Puerto Principe's market |
12% more damage when usin' ship's cannons |
Moderate |
Hull Grease2 | All Port Markets | 25% speed increase on the next voyage | Low |
Repair | All Port Markets | Restores the ships HP to 100% | Depends on ship's HP |
Repair Kit | All Port Markets | Small: +20% HP Medium: +40% HP Large: +60% HP |
Varies |
Teleport Stone1 | Pirate Haven market | Enables the Cap'n to teleport the ship to a Pirate Haven | High |
1 - Effect will be retained until the next season starts or if looted when ship has lost in a Ship vs Ship battle 2 - Effect is only for the next voyage 3 - Has a 12 hour cooldown |
The formula for ship speed is: 13 - {Normal time to sail across a cell (currently set to 10 mins)} + 1 (if rumor is active/ship is hidden) - Damage (-1 for every -10% ship HP) + Speed Bonuses (cleaning and/or greasing) + 2 (cotton sails ship upgrade) + 1 (copper plating ship upgrade) + 2 (custom routes !Pirates Sail Path) + any other speed bonuses. Maximum number o' bonuses be limited to +8.
Ship vs Ship battles will start if:
Ship battles will consist of 4 phases: Chase, Battle, Boarding, End
At anytime...
Command Cooldowns - in order to even the playing field between small and large populated ships, (!P Battle Unfurl, Reef, Fire, etc) will be based on a base cooldown + number of pirates onboard + number of pirates active
Chase Phase |
Both ships must be sailing and near each other
This phase will be initiated by a vote from the crew or the Captain
This phase begins with Ship2 having the choice to run away or fight from the Captain or a number of the crew. The longer it takes for Ship2 to decide, the closer Ship1 gets
If no response, Ship1 will incur a speed bonus that may enable it to catch up (then have option to attack or board the ship)
If Ship2 decides to run, both ships will have the ability to raise/lower sails
If Ship2 decides to fight, the Battle Phase will begin
Ship2 trying to escape:
Ship2 will be able to choose what direction to sail, (North, East South, West), and must be cognizant of land masses, weather, and borders of the live map
Ship speed will be dependent on what direction ship is moving in relation to the wind and wind speeds
Sails on both ships will be set to half (6/12) so players can unfurl them to increase ship speed
Once Ship2 changes direction, Ship1 must match the direction. The time it takes for Ship1 to match Ship2's direction will be factored into speed
Ship speed will be based on: ship upgrades, speed bonuses, number of sails raised, direction (for Ship2), direction change time (for Ship1), wind direction, if Ship2 is idle, and ship1 will receive a speed bonus
If Ship2 goes over 10 leagues, the ship 'gets away'
If Ship1 closes within 2 leagues, The Battle Phase will begin
If Ship1 does not get within 2 leagues of Ship2 within 15mins, Ship2 will be hidden from the live map and will not be able to be attacked by Ship1 for a short time
If Ship2 is running, Ship1 can abandon the chase and continue on their original voyage
If Ship1 gets within 1 league, Ship1 can start the Battle Phase
If Ship1 gets within half a league, Ship1 can start the Boarding Phase
If distance becomes 0, battle phase will be skipped and boarding phase will commence. Both ship's players will suffer penalties for the ship collision (stunned, stamina or power loss, etc). Speed at time of impact will determine how many pirates are stunned and how much stamina/power penalties they receive
Battle Phase |
Must be initiated by Ship1 or Ship2 with !P Battle Attack
Ships will automatically rig the sails - Battle Sails (8/12 raised)
This phase will be similar to interactive port battles, where you can raise or lower sails, steer the ship, shoot your gun, shoot cannons, etc.
Depending on what ammo type is used, will affect damage to the sails, hull, or pirates
More sails raised = faster ship is at which means more damage and chance to hit other ship
The more damaged a ship is, the slower it will be...
The faster of the two ships will be more accurate in shooting the other ship or pirates
Players who are hurt during the battle will either unable to perform commands for a short time or lose power/stamina
There is a chance a cannon shot can take out multiple inactive players (for the rest of the ship battle) during a successful hit (Critical)
If a ship reaches <25% health, either ship can initiate the boarding phase
If a ship reaches <10% health, the ship will surrender and the End Phase will be initiated
Boarding Phase |
Must be initiated by Ship1 or Ship2 with !P Battle Board OR if distance is 0 in chase phase, ships will collided
This will consist of players battling each other
Players can choose who to attack and player power will be based on:
Legendary weapons (+5 each), Epic weapons (+4 each), Rare weapons (+3 each), uncommon weapons (+2 each), regular weapons (+1 each), Stamina, Power bonuses, Capn (+2), power cheats, adrenaline, vampyre, werewolf, faction, skills: (swordsmanship, marksmanship, meditation, defense), Age (>30 years is -power), and RNG
Pirates can 'power up' by visiting the store for blackpowder, sharpen, rum or using items that give power or stamina.
Players can see their boarding power wit' !P Power
Captains will gain +2 favor with each duel
Inactive pirates (pirates not !P Awake) will automatically fight in the background. On shared channel ships (in !P Game Options, Reduce Msgs: ON) the duels will not be announced to prevent excessive messages
Pirates that lose a duel or are critically hit, will be unable to continue the battle
If the boarding phase is taking too long, chance for multiple inactive players to be taken out by RNG to 'hurry up' the boarding
After all pirates onboard the ship have been defeated (less than 3 pirates remainin'), the other ship wins
End Phase |
This phase will pay out the winning ship
Amount of reward will depend on how many phases the ships went thru n' how many duels (if any) and how much the losing ship is worth
Doubloons, items, bonuses, ship upgrades, ship bonuses can be rewarded
Loser will safely sail to a nearby port - unable to be attacked by the other ships and hidden from the map until after docking
Whale events will occur when at sea, at random, or during a party.
When a whale 🐳 is sighted, there will be a call for players who want to join. !Pirates Whale Aye This is the best time to ensure your stamina is full as you will be leaving the ship.
After 3 minutes has elapsed, the rowboat will be prepared to be launched at which time players must choose what position to choose from.
Rowboat Positions (in order of need):
* - Required to launch the rowboat
Players must only perform the command when the Coxswain says, and only once... The Coxswain will receive specific messages on when and what to direct the crew to perform.
Reason for a whale to escape:
If the crew fails to perform their tasks after the whale has been harpooned, the rowboat will be destroyed and the crew will suffer
If the crew is successful, they will be rewarded based on the number of actions they have performed in doubloons and receive whale oil