Fer Cap'n Eyes Only
Tips | Cap'n vs. Cap'n fights | Favor | Requests | Tasks | Mutinies | Ports | Raids | Pirate Havens | Independence | Ship Handlin' | Ship Quests | Pros/Cons | Commands
The Captain be the player wit' the most doubloons. Tis can be changed during mutinies or special events.
A common misconception about life on a Pirate ship surrounds the role and authority of the Captain. Unlike Captain's who were appointed by their respective governments and who's authority was supreme at all times, most pirate captain's were democratically elected by the ships crew and could be replaced at any time by a majority vote of the crewmen durin' a mutiny.Some captains were mutinied fer not being aggressive enough for their crews, while others were abandoned by their crews for being too bloodthirsty and brutal. Pirate Captain's were expected to be bold and decisive in battle as well as skilled in navigation and seamanship. Above all they had to have the force of personality necessary to hold together such an unruly bunch of seamen.Captain - If a player is Cap'n, they will be handicapped when fighting other players (to see who the Cap'n is type !Pirates Captain). The Cap'n can be fought by players at least 3 levels +/- of other players. This will help from the Cap'n from getting to high against other players. If the Cap'n is too high to fight, ye can try to mutiny the Cap'n (!Pirates Mutiny), but ye will need a few pirates to vote wit' ye to be successful.
Item | Power |
Cap'n faction same as the port's faction | +1 |
Cap'n's ship controls port | +1 |
Cap'n faction is Pirate (custom) | +1 |
fightin' Bonuses purchased from the store or market | No effect |
Weapons | No effect |
Player Level | No effect |
Stamina | Same as stamina |
Pirate bets | +1 per pirate |
Cap'n favor wit' the crew bein' Mutinous | -2 |
Cap'n favor wit' the crew bein' Unhappy | -1 |
Cap'n favor wit' the crew bein' Happy | +1 |
Cap'n favor wit' the crew bein' Exultant | +2 |
RNG | +/- 3 |
The Captain's favorability will affect the Captain durin' random events, when fightin', n' the amount of pirates needed to mutiny.
Commands/Events that affect favor will be 'forgotten' by the crew after 48 hours.
New Captains (from the past 24 hours) will automatically start wit' the base favor which is 51. Ye can increase ye favor by performin' commands the crew will like (see table below). Example: If ye perform a ship quest, it will be boosted by 20% making ye favor 61.
Captains who be far ahead of the other top pirates in terms of wealth (overpowered) will 'ave their favor set to 50% (cause the crew get jealous of ye wealth) n' if they be deemed 'super overpowered' will 'ave favor set to 25%. The only way to recover from this be lowering ye wealth to match ye constituents.
Favor can be viewed wit' !Pirates Captain Favor
Command or Event (while Cap'n) |
Favor |
Info |
Abandon a ship vs ship battle | -20 | The crew be lookin' forward to mayhem n' booty... |
Attack another ship successfully | +5% |
Show ye grit durin' a battle
Attack another ship unsuccessfully | -5% |
The crew wants a strong leader
Bite another pirate when a vampire | -5% |
The crew doesn't like ye bitin' the crew...
Captain Command: Away | -10% | A good Cap'n is always available... |
Captain Command: Bonus (pirate) | +5% |
Show ye like to reward good pirates
Captain Command: Bonus (self) | -25% |
The crew wants ye to share the wealth |
Captain Command: Brig | +5% |
Ye gotta show ye not afraid to punish bad pirates... as long as ye dont touch their doubloons
Captain Command: Command | +2% |
The crew like ye doin' ye job while they do theirs |
Captain Command: Crew Bonus | +10% |
The crew likes to be rewarded
Captain Command: Demote | -35% |
The crew don't like it when ye punish a fellow pirate so harshly |
Captain Command: Find | +10% |
Good fer the crew to 'ave a chance at doubloons
Captain Command: Flog | +5% |
Best to keep those bilge rats in line who not be showin' good seamanship
Captain Command: Forfeit | +100 | The crew appreciates ye forfeitin' ye wealth fer the betterment o' the ship n' crew! |
Captain Command: Free | +5% |
Show ye 'ave some compassion by freein' a poxied bilge rat |
Captain Command: Map (pirate) | +5% |
Gives the crew to 'ave a chance at doubloons |
Captain Command: Map (self) | -10% |
The crew wants ye to share the wealth |
Captain Command: Mass Find | +5% |
Gives the crew to 'ave a chance at doubloons |
Captain Command: Monster | +5% |
Gives the crew to 'ave a chance at doubloons n' earn some glory |
Captain Command: Parlay (pirate) | +5% |
This be only to protect a fellow pirate from others, right? |
Captain Command: Party | +10% |
The Cap'n like to party n' so does the crew! |
Captain Command: Parlay (self) | -25% |
When the crew wants to fight ye, they want to do it now. Ye stopped 'em from that |
Captain Command: Promote | +5% |
A good Cap'n both rewards n' punishes |
Captain Command: Quest | +5% |
Gives the crew to 'ave a chance at some booty |
Captain Command: Rest | +10% |
The crew likes to 'ave some time off to recover |
Captain Command: Repair | +10% | The crew like when ye pay to better the ship |
Captain Command: Riddle | +5% |
The crew be likin' contests n' showin' how smart they be |
Captain Command: Rum (pirate) | +5% |
Show ye like to reward good pirates |
Captain Command: Rum (self) | -10% |
Don't keep all that rum to yeself |
Captain Command: Sail | +5% |
We be pirates n' want to sail... just sure its to a new port
Captain Command: Sail Path | +10% |
Pirates be impressed the Cap'n can plan routes n' get to places sooner
Captain Command: Share | +5% |
Shares ye wealth wit' the crew. This be the best way to garner the jealousy of the crew fer bein' overpowered
Captain Command: Special | +15% |
The crew likes gifts n' events |
Captain Command: Voucher | +5% |
Gives a good crewmember a reward |
Change Course in the middle of a voyage when another pirate ship is not nearby | -10% |
The crew be lookin' forward to the other port n' now ye changed the destination! |
Sail to a port that takes 1 hour or more | -5% |
The crew don't like to be out too long. |
Sail to a port that takes 2 hours or more | -10% |
The crew don't like to be out too long. |
Captain Command: Walk the Plank | -15% |
Takin' doubloons n' stamina... the crew don't want ye takin' their booty |
Charver another pirate | -5% |
Get a wench fer this instead |
Claim a port | +2% |
The crew be likin' the chance to get more doubloons wit' the most claimed ports |
Complete a ship quest successfully | +5% |
Doubloons n' glory!
Complete a ship quest unsuccessfully | -5% |
The crew doesn't like losin' |
Crew Sail to another port without the Cap'n | -5% |
The crew not be likin' a Cap'n who does not sail when n' where the crew wants to go! |
Donate to a faction | +5% |
Helps the crew get into more ports n' gives ye a chance to backstab a faction
fight another pirate | -5% |
Ye should be above fightin' other pirates |
Lose a fight to another pirate Cap'n in a port | -10% | Ye crew has lost faith in ye fightin' abilities |
Win a fight against another pirate Cap'n in a port | +10% | Ye earned the crew's respect n' the population of the port knows whose boss! |
fight the bot | +5% |
Show the crew ye be the 'True' Cap'n
Employ a port's workers to ready the ship to get underway | +3% |
The crew has less work to do n' more time to play while moored! |
Grant a pirate's request | +3% |
The crew be makin' requests of ye, so let 'em know ye care about 'em. |
Moor at a port where another pirate ship is | +5% |
The crew likes to 'ave a chance to fight, rob, n' charver other pirates |
Not use a Captain command in the past 2 hours | -5% |
The crew needs someone to command 'em n' not disappear hours at a time |
Lockpick a pirate's chest | -5% |
Don't touch another pirate's booty, Cap'n |
Pirate Crew Command: Hate (!Pirates Hate) | -2% |
A crewmember not be likin' ye. Maybe it time to woo 'em |
Pirate Crew Command: Hate (!Pirates Love) | +2% |
A crewmember be likin' ye command |
Pray to Davey Jones | -5% |
Davey should not be trusted |
Put a bounty on another pirate | +5% |
Gives others a chance to seek revenge fer ye |
Purchase an item fer the ship from a port's market | +5% |
This be benefittin' the crew by keepin' ye ship in tip top shape! |
Raid a port | +10% |
Chance fer doubloons, fame, n' booty
Raid a port successfully | +10% |
Doubloons, fame, booty, n' a new port to call home |
Raid a port unsuccessfully | -5% |
The crew does not like failure |
Fail to raid a port when available2 | -10% |
The crew be wantin' booty n' ye be too lazy to type !Pirates Raid |
Rest | -10% |
The crew don't like weak Cap'ns |
Rob another pirate | -10% |
The crew wants ye to raid a port or ship instead |
Rumor | +15% |
Pays a pirate some o' ye wealth to help hide the ship |
Sailing event where ship gets to the destination sooner than expected | +1% |
The crew likes to get to the wenches sooner
Sailing event where the ship takes longer to get to it's destination | -1% |
The crew blames the Cap'n fer even things he/she can't control |
Sail to a cell after sailing from a cell | -10% | The crew would like to visit civilization |
Sail to a Pirate Haven n' last visit was >6 hours | +10% |
The crew enjoys the company o' fellow pirates n' cheaper services |
Sail to a port controlled by a Faction that has not been visited today1 | +5% |
The crew likes to see n' sites n' visit new wenches
Sail to a port that be controlled by the same Faction more than 3x today1 | -5% |
The crew feels like they be owned by a faction when doin' this |
Sail to a port that has already been visited today1 | -5% |
The crew be full of pirates, not merchantmen |
Sail to a Port that has not been visited today1 | +5% |
New sites, sounds, n' wenches |
Sail to a Port that takes longer than 2 hours | -5% |
The crew like their port calls n' not long voyages |
Ship automatically sails after bein' at a port for too long (6+ hours) | -5% |
The crew be bored stayin' at the same port for so long |
Ship Upgrade: Bronze Cannons | +50% |
Crew likes ship upgrades |
Ship Upgrade: Copper Plating | +50% |
Crew likes ship upgrades |
Ship Upgrade: Cotton Sails | +75% |
Crew really likes this ship upgrade |
Ship Upgrade: Fine-Grain Powder | +30% |
Crew likes ship upgrades |
Sponsor a pirate | +10% |
Show ye want to help the landlubbers get acclimated |
Start a party successfully | +10% |
Fun times for everyone |
Surrender in a ship vs ship battle | -50% | What kind o'Cap'n surrenders? |
Troll a pirate | -5% |
Shouldn't ye be above this as Cap'n? |
Use a cheat | -30% |
Pirates don't like others that cheat |
Win a Lottery | -10% |
The crew be jealous of ye luck |
1 - Calculated when the ship arrives at port. 2 - Has no effect towards crew reputation if the Diplomat season bonus is active: !Pirates Bonus Diplomat |
The base number of pirates that be needed to mutiny a Cap'n be a percentage o' the onboard pirates. Captain's favor will affect how many pirates be needed to perform a successful mutiny.
If the Cap'n gets mutinied, the pirate who started the mutiny will be set as the new Cap'n until they lose a fight (when fought by another pirate) or an hour has passed. Once that has happened, the richest pirate will be Cap'n.
Ye can view how many pirates be needed to mutiny yeself or 'nother Cap'n wit' !Pirates Mutiny.
*** The Cap'n can stop a mutiny in progress by startin' a party wit' !Pirates Captain Party ***
Captain Favor |
Crew Morale |
Effect on Mutinies |
Effect on fights |
< 26% |
Mutinous |
-2 pirates |
-4 power |
< 51% |
Unhappy |
-1 pirate |
-2 power |
> 50% and < 70% |
Content |
None |
None |
> 70% |
Happy |
+1 pirate |
None |
> 90% |
Exultant |
+2 pirates |
+1 power |
Captain Pros n' Cons |
Pros | Cons |
Has special commands that can geatly affect the game |
Can be fought by players more than 2 levels away |
Has special random events |
Large chance to be handicapped when fought |
Has a special command at any level to earn doubloons !Pirates Captain Command |
Doubloons be stolen when not onboard |
Earns a discount in the store |
Unable to do low level commands such as swab n' clean |
Earns 2x shares (double) when raiding a ship during an encounter n' when raiding a port |
Must make the crew happy with good commands due to favorability |
Has chance of a good random event if favorability is above 50% |
Can be mutinied |
Chooses where to sail the ship giving chance to raid a port or earn bonus in a friendly port |
Has chance of a bad random event if favorability is 50% or below |
Has a chance to earn rewards when arrivin' at friendly ports |
Unable to perform group or personal quests |
Can decide with one vote to attack a monster durin' an encounter |
If too far ahead of other players, can be deemed overpowered which affect mutinies, fight payouts, and random events. |
Can change a port's faction by sailin' to a hostile port n' attackin' it |
Achievement payouts are reduced |
Can win the game once level 30 is reached n' be posted in the Hall of Fame |
Can only fight pirate captains n' not other ship crewmembers while moored |
1 - These commands are considered special Cap'n commands n' share the same cooldown.
2 - This is the Capn's work command n' has its own seperate cooldown.
3 - May have a cooldown based on the specific command or item being used. Does not count towards the Cap'n command cooldowns
All other commands do not affect the two cooldowns listed above.