Game Preview | How to enlist | How to get PiratesIRC on your own channel or network | Channel Status Don't have an IRC client? Get mIRC, AdiIRC, or HexChat. Pirate Ships (Game Instances):Abandoned-IRC Server: irc.Abandoned-IRC.net Channel: #ZW-Pirates - Join now in Mibbit (popup window) IRC-nERDs Server: irc.IRC-nERDs.net Channel: #Pirates - Join now in Mibbit (popup window) MyAnonamouse Server: irc.myanonamouse.net (port +7000) Channel: #Pirates - Private server 2600net Server: irc.2600.net Channel: #Pirates - Join now in Mibbit (popup window) Rizon Server: irc.rizon.net Channel: #Pirates - Join now in Mibbit (popup window) Technet Server: us.technet.xi.ht Channel: #Pirates - Join now in Mibbit (popup window) XeroMem Server: irc.xeromem.com Channel: #Pirates -Join now in Mibbit (popup window)
Mibbit is a web client and should be used to test out the game. For a better experience, use an IRC Client such as:
* If ye be new to the network, ye will need to register yer nickname so others for authenication. Type /msg Nickserv Help to learn how to register your name on the network
After Connecting to the server and joining the channel, type !Pirates Enlist <Gender> <Faction>Genders: Male, Female, or UndisclosedFaction: English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Native, or Jesuit Click here to see the differences in faction bonusesExample: !Pirates Enlist Male EnglishReady to play? Check out the Rules, Help, and Tips on playing!
Interested in adding PiratesIRC to your network or channel?The game can be put in a shared channel in a "reduced messages" mode or its own exlusive channel. Ships can be on multiple channels of the same network and mirror messages from the bot. Requirements:
Process to get a new ship:
Channel StatusesIf the bot is set as the owner of the channel, the player statuses will be:
If the bot is not set as the owner, all players will be +v